I want a mentor

I want a mentor to optimise my book quality

Creating your first book is one of the most daunting and thrilling jobs you can undertake, it’s personal and it requires passion. You want to get it right from the start. Participating in our mentor program will arm you with the best process for your book and give you more of an insight as to how it all works. We can work with you before, during or after you’ve written your book. If you’d like a pick-our-brains session, book in for a one-off mentoring session for $90.

The Mentor program is based on guidance and recommendations, other costs will be involved for things such as editing, artwork and advertising costs.

This program includes:

  • Title, Sub-title, Keyword and Metadata optimisation using data analysis tools. Already have a fun and ‘witty’ title for your book? This is great, however, if your readers can’t instantly recognise what your book is about in 30 seconds, they’ll keep scrolling. We can help you balance your ideas, with what is selling in the current marketplace.
  • Book Description Tips. There’s a formula to creating a great book description. We’ll help you understand this so that you can perfect your description.
  • Cover Design Brainstorm. Let’s have a look at your cover ideas, compare with what’s in the market and come up with a plan of ideas.
  • Pre-launch Review Strategies. You NEED reviews to sell your book so we’ll advise on strategies you can use.

CLICK HERE to enquire about working with a Mentor, this program is quite affordable for all levels of writers. Below is the standard package, but we often customise this to suit your needs.

I want a mentor

$350 /TOTAL VALUE $480
  • 1 hour Q&A Session
  • Title Optimisation
  • Sub-Title Optimisation
  • Keyword Optimisation
  • Metadata Optimisation
  • Book Description Tips
  • Cover Design Brainstorm
  • Pre-Launch Review Strategies
  • Book Outline Creation – Optional Extra POA
  • Ghostwriting – Optional Extra POA

I want to self-publish

$2299 /TOTAL VALUE $2799
  • 1 hour mentoring session
  • Editing – Optional Extra POA
  • Book Formatting
  • Cover Design Optimisation
  • Cover Design
  • Worldwide Online Distribution
  • Title Optimisation
  • Keyword Optimisation
  • Metadata Optimisation
  • Book Description Tips

I want to sell on Amazon

$799 /TOTAL VALUE $1299
  • Title Optimisation
  • Sub-Title Optimisation
  • Keyword Optimisation
  • Metadata Optimisation
  • Book Description Tips
  • Book Cover Review
  • Pre-Launch Review Strategies
  • Post-Launch Review Strategies
  • Amazon Pages Optimisation
  • Launch Strategy Options
  • Best Seller Strategy Optimisation
  • External Promotion Advice
  • Set-up Amazon Advertising
  • Optimising your Amazon Advertising

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