I want to self-publish

I want to self-publish my manuscript

This is a full-service package for getting your book self-published. If you are new to writing we would suggest also taking on our mentoring program, however this package does include a 1hr mentoring Q&A.

What’s included in this package:


A 1hr Mentoring Q&A is included in which you are invited to ask all the questions on your mind or if you require further details on a particular part of the process. You can structure this session however you like and can use it at anytime during the process.


This may include developmental editing, copy editing, line editing and/or proofreading. Our editors review each manuscript comprehensively, reviewing all key aspects of the manuscript, including the narrative, vocabulary, structure, characterisation, style, and development. Making the required changes and getting your writing ready to publish. Editing is priced separately so that we can find a suitable approach to suit your needs.


Formatting is a critical element of the publishing process and includes choosing the most appropriate book size, styles, spacing, and settings for your book. It is a vital design element that requires a clear and readable typeface and a layout that is appealing and inviting to your reader whilst adhering to professional standards. The finished product can include images, photographs, graphs, and tables. Some authors require tables or diagrams which we can assist in creating. The package includes 50,000 words and will be adjusted to suit your word count.

Cover Design

We’ve all heard the saying, ‘you should never judge a book by its cover’. However, in terms of publishing, this isn’t entirely accurate and can make or break a book. Our designers, editors, and marketers all collaborate to ensure the cover represents you and the content accurately. Our team are specialists in creating eye-catching, original designs that encapsulate your idea, utilising our knowledge and skill base, ensuring that your book cover design is compelling, relevant, and captivating. We’ll also add in a free 3D cover illustration for your advertising posts.

Distribution and Printing

Turtle Publishing provides distribution online with many retailers including, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Booktopia and Fishpond. We assist in connecting your book to multiple channels, including independent bookstores, franchises, online stores, eBook retailers, public libraries, and universities. We will get your book ready for print book design and eBook design. We also connect your book to print channels in various countries, including the US, UK, China, India, Italy, Poland, Russia, South Korea, Spain, and Brazil. This process also gives you access to on-demand ‘author copies’ of your book so sell at your events or online. Printing costs are not included. This method can be a lot more practical than purchasing thousands of copies at a time.

Amazon Optimised

Keyword optimisation includes an analysis of your book title, subtitle, and blurb to ensure that your book is easily identifiable amongst the many titles in your specific genre. At Turtle Publishing, we use Amazon to identify keywords that will help your book get higher rankings. We will also analyse book categories to help you maximise your ‘best seller’ opportunities. This is the step that is overlooked by many book releases… and it can have the biggest impact!!


CLICK HERE to enquire about working with us to SELF-PUBLISH. This program is quite affordable for all levels of writers. Below is the standard package, but we often customise this to suit your needs.

I want a mentor

$350 /TOTAL VALUE $480
  • 1 hour Q&A Session
  • Title Optimisation
  • Sub-Title Optimisation
  • Keyword Optimisation
  • Metadata Optimisation
  • Book Description Tips
  • Cover Design Brainstorm
  • Pre-Launch Review Strategies
  • Book Outline Creation – Optional Extra POA
  • Ghostwriting – Optional Extra POA

I want to self-publish

$2299 /TOTAL VALUE $2799
  • 1 hour mentoring session
  • Editing – Optional Extra POA
  • Book Formatting
  • Cover Design Optimisation
  • Cover Design
  • Worldwide Online Distribution
  • Title Optimisation
  • Keyword Optimisation
  • Metadata Optimisation
  • Book Description Tips

I want to sell on Amazon

$799 /TOTAL VALUE $1299
  • Title Optimisation
  • Sub-Title Optimisation
  • Keyword Optimisation
  • Metadata Optimisation
  • Book Description Tips
  • Book Cover Review
  • Pre-Launch Review Strategies
  • Post-Launch Review Strategies
  • Amazon Pages Optimisation
  • Launch Strategy Options
  • Best Seller Strategy Optimisation
  • External Promotion Advice
  • Set-up Amazon Advertising
  • Optimising your Amazon Advertising

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