I want to write a book

I want to write a book

Congratulations on being ready to write your own book. You have the option to write a book that can be printed, formatted into an e-book, or made into an audio book OR you could do all 3. Here are our top tips for getting started:

  • Research the topic that you want to write about. What else is on the market associated with that topic? Why will your book be different? Then sit down and structure the flow of how you are telling the story or selling your product or service.
  • Decide whether you are going to write it yourself or if you’ll hire a ghost-writer. Most books are between 60,000 and 90,000 words for a novel, but an e-book can be much less. Non-fiction books range from 30,000 to 60,000 words. Regardless of whether you’ve written it yourself or used a ghost-writer it’s vital that you hire an editor to go through your work before publishing, it could make or break the readers experience and you only want to launch the book once.
  • Know your target audience. Even though you might get people outside of your demographic wanting to read your book, you need to know who you are targeting for your marketing campaign. If your demographic was 18-25, you’d target your digital campaign to TikTok, Instagram and Google Ads. But you certainly wouldn’t advertise on TikTok if your demographic was 50+ and every advertising dollar counts.
  • Once you have written your book it’s now up to the exciting stage of teaming up with a full-service self-publishing agency to go through the steps of getting published from start to finish. Turtle Publishing can help with the book design, editing, illustration, publishing, distribution, and sales. CLICK TO I WANT TO SELF PUBLISH
  • Another option would be for you to work with a mentor to help optimise your book. Work with us before, during or after you are writing. CLICK TO I WANT TO WORK WITH A MENTOR
  • The last, and most exciting step, is launching your book. Get it out to the world! We can advise on how to upload to Amazon and other book stores, how to create a successful launch, how to build up reviews. We can also assist in optimising your book for sale to ensure you’re targeting the full market and giving your launch the best possible outcome. There is strategy to hitting number 1! We can walk you through the process. CLICK TO I WANT TO SELL ON AMAZON.

I want a mentor

$350 /TOTAL VALUE $480
  • 1 hour Q&A Session
  • Title Optimisation
  • Sub-Title Optimisation
  • Keyword Optimisation
  • Metadata Optimisation
  • Book Description Tips
  • Cover Design Brainstorm
  • Pre-Launch Review Strategies
  • Book Outline Creation – Optional Extra POA
  • Ghostwriting – Optional Extra POA

I want to self-publish

$2299 /TOTAL VALUE $2799
  • 1 hour mentoring session
  • Editing – Optional Extra POA
  • Book Formatting
  • Cover Design Optimisation
  • Cover Design
  • Worldwide Online Distribution
  • Title Optimisation
  • Keyword Optimisation
  • Metadata Optimisation
  • Book Description Tips

I want to sell on Amazon

$799 /TOTAL VALUE $1299
  • Title Optimisation
  • Sub-Title Optimisation
  • Keyword Optimisation
  • Metadata Optimisation
  • Book Description Tips
  • Book Cover Review
  • Pre-Launch Review Strategies
  • Post-Launch Review Strategies
  • Amazon Pages Optimisation
  • Launch Strategy Options
  • Best Seller Strategy Optimisation
  • External Promotion Advice
  • Set-up Amazon Advertising
  • Optimising your Amazon Advertising

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